HomeGetting StartedEndpointsWebhooks


Below you can find all the endpoints that you can use to interact with our API. If you have any questions or need help, feel free to join our Discord server.

PATCHUpdate Bot Stats

Using this endpoint, you can update the command & server value that appear on the bot page. We recommend you to do this every 24 hours and keep the page updated with this endpoint.


id: string

Bot ID that you want to update the stats.


Authorization: string

Your bot token that you can get from the dashboard.

Content-Type: string


Body Parameters

The body parameters that you need to send with the request.

command_count: number
server_count: number

Note that, even though you set the server count, this value can only be at most 50 more or less than the actual server count of your bot.


The responses that you can get from the endpoint.

200 OK
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
404 Not Found
{ "success": true }
GETFetch Vote Status
Copyright © discord.place, 2024. GPL v3 Licensed.
Thanks to Nodesty for supporting this project.